Essay #3 reflection

I liked being able to analyze the posters for essay three. I like being able to analyze literature, music, and movies, so this essay was pretty fun. I have always been really interested in the hunger games, and I’ve always found it very interesting how they advertised their movies. Honestly, they really outdid themselves with Mockingjay. Whoever came up with the idea of advertising their movie like it is propaganda for the actual capital and rebellion needs a pay raise effective immediately.  My essay  could’ve been better worded, and I did have a little trouble fully laying out my thoughts. I feel like I didn’t expand on them enough, and when I tried to expand on my thoughts, I felt like I was repeating myself. It was kind of hard for me to find words to elaborate on, because I feel like everything I wanted to say I had already said and I really couldn’t find another way to rephrase it. As always, peer review helped, but I feel like the feedback that I got wasn’t as helpful as the other essays. Not saying that my peers did a bad job reviewing my essay, but personally I feel like I wasn’t able to grasp a better understanding of what I should do like in the other cases. I liked writing this just about the same amount as the other ones, so it really wasn’t that bad. Overall, could’ve been better, however, Red (Taylor’s Version) just came out so I hope you’ll be a tad forgiving as I have been very busy analyzing that.