Journal #11

What I’ve chosen for my media for essay #3 are the movie posters for the third installment of The Hunger Games trilogy, Mockingjay pt. 1. The posters are meant to look like actual propaganda from both the capitol and the rebellion. They provoke a sense of uprising from the rebellion and compliance from the capitol. The “propaganda” from the rebels evokes pathos, creating a strong sense of anarchy and anger at being wronged by the capitol. The capitols “propaganda” has a more ethos-centered stance, portraying calmness, authority, and compliance. The posters thank the districts for their respective contributions, giving a false sense of order and mutual respect. In the viewer, it gives a bit of insight into what people in the districts felt like during the rebellion. As most forms of media are commentaries on society, some of the posters look very similar or have the same themes as those during the Holocaust and Mussolini’s rule.

Journal #10

It was a successful argument between my friend Cathy and I over which Mamma Mia was better (I argued the second was better (it is) and she was for the original). It was in Junior year and lasted two whole class periods. An hour and 40 minutes. It was successful because it was fun and no one’s feelings got hurt lol. She said that nothing tops the original which is BS because Cher is in the second one. Also, the Fernando scene ALONE tops the entire original. Also, who cares about Sophie anyways? I wanted to hear about Donna. And the fact that Lily James played her??? My future wife??? Iconic.

Journal #9

Again, I didn’t really have a process and just wrote. So, consider this a small interlude, as I am here to add to my word count. Do you see the sentence I just wrote, the very first sentence? Dumb. End of Interlude.I had trouble at first really figuring out if I liked and could be able to write about my topic, but I trudged through. While we were having our meeting it was very helpful to hear that sometimes you just have to tough it out, and, looking back, I really don’t know why it mattered to me so much that I liked what I was writing about because if I was a good writer, I would be able to write about some thing I didn’t like.It all could be improved, but it’s what works for me. Hi, another interlude, it does not work for me, and I found that out a little too late. End of Interlude. I wouldn’t change peer review because I find it helpful, and will never stop singing my praises for it. My final product could absolutely be better, but I feel like I did pretty okay considering this is my first time writing an essay of this format. I learned from this essay how to write in the IMRaD format. Overall, this essay was very informative, both in the information that my research produced, and in the way I was able to learn about how to write a type of essay that I had never experienced before.

Journal #8

My method for my essay will be an poll on Instagram, composed of 3 questions

  1. Do you feel like you’ve had a less productive day after being on social media?
  2. Has social media given you more confidence or insecurity in your physical appearance?
  3. Has social media ever influenced your self worth, good or bad?

I will then analyze the data based on sex and age.